Thursday, July 17, 2014

New discovery in the solar system

              There are countless stars in our galaxy, then you already know that. Now there are a few stars who are out of range of your galaxy. Their names are Yuelas J. 0744 +25 and +01 Yuelas J. 0015.
               Now it seemed that the scope of our galaxy and its diameter is larger and can be renewed. Interestingly, their galaxy of stars that looks quite small. Even many dwarf galaxies may also become part of our galaxy, but it will take millions of years.
              Ocean found on Saturn's moon
Do you know that about Saturn's second largest planet in our solar system. It is the sixth planet in the solar system called because it is the sixth from the sun. Ie between it and the sun and the planets are five, which are orbiting the Sun. This planet is 750 times larger than our earth. It is 143 million kilometers from the Sun in its orbit around the sun at a speed of 9.6 kilometers per second charging.
                 Our earth 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun takes 6 hours, but Saturn to orbit the sun equal to 30 years takes us. Saturn has 62 Chandon get information, but only 13 of them are like the moon, whose diameter is more than 50 kilometers. Titan is Saturn's largest moon, which is Bdm of Buddha planet. Its weight is 96 percent of Saturn's many moons weight. On 16 January 2004 Casini spacecraft landed on the moon, which was sent to Europe and the United States.
                Send a picture from the vehicle, including rivers, ponds, lakes, mountains etc. of evidence. Of ice particles of the scientist also anticipate that our Titan's ocean water salty as sea water can be. But there is also increasing the possibility of the presence of life.
Earth-like planet in the galaxy, has become his
               Earth-like planets in our own galaxy is being created. Bdm it'll make you feel good, but how it is possible, it would also be eager to learn. This planet earth twice its weight is at the same distance from the Sun, as far away as we are from the sun. Ohio State University Professor.
                 Second star to the planet with two wires get enough light. The optical gravitational lensing experiment Ojie li research telescope on the planet Earth, the researchers believe it could become in the future. The planet is named Ojieli -2013 - Bielji Elbibi -0341.
If 25 percent of the stars outside our galaxy
             In a recent research has revealed that 25 percent of the stars in our galaxy outer stars. The stars in our galaxy and other galaxies that have joined. The research revealed that more than six dwarf galaxies are among them. This is the second planet from aliens called. Based on information gathered from Hubble Space Telescope data and their properties and chemical properties could also be explored.
               Tue quriositi have completed one year of Tue possibility of microbial life on Mars rover to seek the quriositi on Tue Up

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