Saturday, July 19, 2014

Big news for heart patients

            Imagine yourself in your own body soon to prepare pacemaker may change materially. Scientists use pigs have managed it.
            The scientists inserted a gene into cells of cardiac pacemaker cells changed into them.
             Sidars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles, according to scientists 'biological pacemaker to treat the disease effectively' managed.
               According to the British Heart Foundation are used to research published in Science in Medicine Translational 'will take a long time. "
               The researchers inserted a gene into the pigs who had heart disease to be slow.
            The number of gene therapy in the tens of millions of heart muscle cells turned into something very rare, especially those which are of a similar heartbeat.
               Conventional pacemaker is an electronic device which is fitted inside the chest and regulates irregular heartbeat.

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