Saturday, July 12, 2014

Diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, you can fly away

These days almost everyone in lifestyle-related diseases, especially cities are engulfed. How you can prevent the disease from coming close to her, telling Singhania Research Institute and Head of Pushpawati (gastroenterology) Dr. Rakesh Tandon
               In today's lifestyle diseases caused by obesity, diabetes, ie diabetes, hypertension or high blood pressure, heart disease, hepatic (liver) of chronic disease, cirrhosis, constipation, stomach gas and cancer-stricken. They especially obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia troubling concern, because death becomes even larger factor.
                 20th-century half-time after the expiry of dairy products, meat, vegetable oils, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages use has increased and starchy staple food items such as bread, potatoes, rice, maize flour, vegetables, salad and Fruit consumption decreased due to people's diet has changed in the way.
Obesity has increased
            The National Family Health Survey (2005-06) and 9 per cent in India, 13 percent of women are obese or overweight than men.
The world's diabetes capital
          According to an estimate, approximately 61.3 million or 6 million to 13 million people in India suffer from diabetes. The cause of diabetes in the world in 2011, 46 million people were dying.
         Heart disease: mortality factor
About 74 percent of urban Indians are Samana risk of heart attacks. 30 to 59 percent of people 49 years of age are at highest risk of cholesterol and 61 percent of them in the "good" HDL cholesterol levels are very low.
What are the reasons
             Uncontrolled high blood pressure, smoking, heavy alcohol use and number of physically inactive lifestyle is one of the causes of heart attacks. There is a misunderstanding among today's young generation that smoking relieves stress. Indeed, in the long run it reduces the person's stamina, making many kinds of diseases, especially chronic lung diseases, heart disease and cancer can be.
Liver disease or liver due to alcohol
               Excessive fat as a byproduct of increased insulin resistance (Troiglisraids), the liver cells are blockaded. Over time - with the liver cells resulting in inflammation, cirrhosis of the liver and in such cases a percentage of the liver / liver cancer changes. Alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by the same means.
Other diseases such
             Stress plays a major role in causing acidity. Drugs that suppress the acidity despite standing problem of acidity and vitamin deficiency can cause esophageal cancer.
People working night shifts                     suffer from the problem of disturbed biological clock, making him insomnia,
Indigestion, acidity, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, high blood pressure, mood fluctuation of the face and body aches.
What are the treatment
           Onset of lifestyle-related diseases take years, but when these diseases are not so easy to cure them. This disciplined life for salvation, healing and the combination of several drugs, dietary regime and physiotherapy needs.
Rescue Remedy
           Most of lifestyle-related diseases can be avoided. Balanced diet, regular physical activity, alcohol, smoking and drug abuse, the distance one can stay away from such diseases. 10 to 15 minutes of daily exercise is essential for staying healthy. Children engage in outdoor activities.

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