Saturday, July 26, 2014

Let them all stay healthy child give nutrition

               Metro lifestyle market has greatly increased food intake. Because of this new generation is creating turbulence and practical problems. Some measures can be taken for prevention. And how to make the changes in your child's diet, Here.
                  Children are very sensitive in terms of diet. His mind and body remains in a state of development, so how much and what they eat, it is important to focus on. By concentrating on a few important things that can make a balanced diet for their children and improve their health.
Common Problems of Children
Usually decrease in concentration in children, show fierce tantrums, loss of memory, antisocial behavior, learning problems etc etc, seems to be not overcome the burden. Nowadays many kinds of problems in children, diet and nutrition are seen. So because of their eating habits is wrong.
What are the preventive measures,
Grain snacks sandwiches, idli, dosa, sprouts etc is just good enough.
"Instead of soft drinks and sweet drinks Encourage children to drink water. From time to time, give lemonade.
"Children are eating less sugar only, keep this in mind.
"Please ignore large quantities of packaged foods in school.
"Tell me about the ill effects of eating harmful to the child and tell it what to eat and when to eat.
"Stop them from eating things of the market and explain its loss.
"Every year the child should provide regular health checks.
What the Research Says
"Many vitamin deficiency makes children irritable. Niacin, Pantothenic Acid 4, 5 thymine 6, vitamin B 67, vitamin C is involved in 8.
"The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 20 Shaimbrgar Lonsdel and eating junk food habit of the people mentioned in the report was that those lacking thymine. The report also stated that teens often teens are highly irritable.
"A Research in Bipolar Disorder (a kind of mental trouble) obtained from the victim vegetables 13 patients were cured with natural lithium. In these patients improve significantly within 10 days and had no bad effect on them.
"Such are finding evidence that iron deficiency in children is creating turbulence. Iron deficiency is responsible for the aggressive nature of teenagers.
'Zinc, iron, B vitamins, protein deficiency is due to reduced IQ, which subsequently makes them antisocial. These nutrients are essential for brain development.
"Some children with autism vitamins A, B 1, B 3, B 5, in addition to biotin, magnesium, selenium and zinc are deficient in nutrients.
Keep you away from many diseases vaccines
If children vaccinated / Vaccsing waite, but you have had vaccines they need? If not, there are some vaccines, should take as soon as these are important for health.
             Children vaccinated, the vaccine killed in the country so reflexes for planting, but there is a lack of awareness in adults. It is extremely important to understand that some vaccines to prevent us from falling prey to diseases that are away from her fears. It is easier to live healthier and happier lives.
Do not inflict Misconceptions
Sure, our country is less awareness about vaccines for adults. Some people are afraid of the fact that the vaccine will be no reaction. Experts fear of loss of any kind of vaccine is very low, while the benefits are numerous. It needs attention from an expert should take the vaccine.
Hepatitis B
Rescue: This vaccine protects against liver diseases and disorders associated with liver ie. This reduced the chances of liver cancer
Is provided.
Duration: 10 should take once a year.
Dosage: This vaccine is given in three doses. The first dose, then another a month later and the third six months later. After this, the vaccine is considered complete.
Hepatitis A
It Piliya vaccine, protects liver failure etc..
Duration: This vaccine is also effective for 10 years.
Dosage: two doses are given. Second dose six months after the first dose.
Tetanus or DT
This vaccine prevents tetanus and diphtheria disease. Rusted iron things prevents the infection.
Duration: The effect of the vaccine is for 10 years. Not your childhood vaccination

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