Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snoring?Avoid for restful night's

               A day of work after a restful night's sleep is something fun. Your partner in such loud - loud snoring gritty take all the fun is just beginning. Then you do not understand or partner woke myself to sleep.
Snoring take simple - that's the problem, but when it takes the form of disease becomes a serious problem.
What's snoring?
             With breathing during sleep is called snoring loud noise and vibration come. Snoring can point to many health-related issues, which are often ignored. Light snoring sound come in several times but often the voices are loud and hard to sleep, the man who slept with. If not it time to treat snoring caused by sleep apnea can become.
Why snoring?
           - Most people think that snoring is the reason why they ignore much fatigue. This problem becomes severe. Indeed, the main causes of snoring is obstruction in breathing while sleeping. Became narrower at the back of the throat narrows Oxygen is the place to the surrounding tissue that vibrates. Similarly come snoring.
         - Many times people sleep on your back, the tongue is backwards. Uwyl back of the palate (uvula - the back of the palate - like hanging meat) is going to look, so I get to interruption of inhalation and exhalation. It seems to be with the breath sound and vibration.
           - Shortening of the lower jaw is also a cause of the snoring. If the person's jaw is shorter than usual, is lying on his tongue back and block your airways. The need to apply pressure for inhalation and exhalation, which is due to the vibration.
            - be crooked nose bone and the meat to be increased. It has also put pressure breathing. Because of this breath sound.
              - Weight gain also gives rise to snoring. When one's weight increases, so much meat hanging on his neck looks. Extra time to flesh lying crushed windpipe, and seems to be having trouble breathing.
             - Often a breathing tube is narrow and weak, which breathed the breath with the surrounding tissue vibrates and sounds seems to be coming.

            - Much smaller if the person's neck at night with breathing sound. Effect increases blood pressure: the breath again and again interrupt level of oxygen in the body is reduced, thereby BP rises. Heart damage: low oxygen in the body of oxygen to the heart have to put much pressure. This problem increases when the heart attack can occur. Many times the person sleeps at night, but died of a heart attack this morning shows that, because it makes it hard to breathe. Stroke risk: Many times snoring problem has an impact on the brain. Having reduced the amount of oxygen in the body - carbon dioxide levels from rising unnecessarily increases the pressure on the brain, which greatly increases the risk of strokes. Lung effect: when a man opened his mouth and nose interrupt head spring without the filtered air inside the mouth is the way the person causing damage to the lungs. Laziness and fatigue: lack of sleep at night and feel tired, lethargic throughout the day, which keeps her mind wander. Irritability and hostility is also visible. Obesity risk: seven hours of sleep does not affect the person's hormones. This is the beginning of her weight gain. Gaining weight and begin to snore more. These two things - one from each other are connected. Afraid of sleep apnea: the sleep apnea snoring attention if not as dangerous as it may cause illness.
How to  Control? - If the cause of snoring is the most weight time Get live weight control.
                 Change the habit of eating Daitishn be contacted. Join the gym. Regular yoga and exercises that can be used to control the weight.
           - Sleep on your back from side to side instead of gold. This does not interrupt the windpipe.
            - Sleep by sleeping head slightly elevated. It will not interrupt your tongue and windpipe
           . - Nasal bone or meat may have turned the problem in time to see a doctor. 
             - Eat light at night.
             - Regular neck exercises.
              - Often Pregnensi gaining weight even without snoring or sleep conditions are right. The sides should take the gold.

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