Friday, January 31, 2014

How to prepare healthy salad

Beans salad
                     Soak beans overnight. Morning Boil Water Drain them well. Peel apples and cut into pieces. Green onions, finely chop. Slim and long cut green chilies. Grind the garlic. Now all things - beans, onions, apples, macaroni, walnuts, garlic, grapes, pepper mash. Salt, pepper, sugar and lemon juice mix to taste. Mix everything and put one or two tablespoons of oil. By cooling it. It is a nutritious diet and only he can take you to lunch.
Khumbi and cucumber salad
                      Peel cucumbers and cut into pieces. Wash Khumbi and long - long cut. Chop an onion. Put a tablespoon of oil in a Donge and add salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar make them well beaten. The puff-ball, cucumber and onion mash. To keep it cool. So cut square pieces of bread. Take them to a floor heated by oil. These pink to be cool filtered. Before placing them on the table, combine lettuce salad. A plate of rice with some salad leaves to garnish. Put it on top of salad. It looks gorgeous and delicious.
Turka salad
                   Peel cucumbers and cut. Leave by putting salt on it. Grind the garlic finely and put in a Donge. It whisked yogurt, salt and pepper slight fainting again got it. Mix the crushed peppermint in it too. Mix cucumber water and squeeze it. Serve chilled.
Cole Slough
                 Take yogurt well beaten. Carrots and cabbage individually make Kdduks. Peel apples and cut. In all these Donge put a little lemon juice and mix. Mix in the whisked yogurt.
Caution is also needed to lose weight while preparing salad dressing, etc, not as much fatty material. 
This increases the calories
                Poijning thoroughly washed and prepared food from the salad is not the problem. 
lunch and evening salad is a good idea. Amounts salad at night can cause gas.
Research says
                About 15 grams of fiber daily, eat Indian. The study showed that salad fiber is the best Sret. This lower cholesterol levels and helps to keep the digestive system intact. Fiber is found in high quantities in cabbage. Fiber us cancer, prevents heart diseases. Vitamin C is found in tomatoes, which gives the power to fight diseases. Onions and garlic are Antibaytik in the winter - protects from colds etc..

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