Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who is ISIS ?

ISIS hides the identity of the head
Islamic State of Iraq, the two cities have occupied Iraq and ^ Levant (ISIL), Chief Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi his identity to the public and are alert enough to tell your living space.
His only two verified pictures exist and al - Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden dead and al - Zawahiri video messages they do not like.hkeep secrets. Bghdadi not his real name, but the world knows him by that name.
One of his predecessors, Abu Musab al - Jhrkavi stay secret was finally discovered. Jhrkavi familiar names and the violent jihadist groups in Iraq until his death was handled. He died in the U.S. bombing in 2006.
Baghdadi was a cleric in the mosque
Baghdadi is believed that the birth took place in 1971 in Samara, located north of Baghdad. According to reports, the US-led attack on Iraq in 2003 while he was a cleric at a mosque in the city.
Some people believe that the regime of Saddam Hussein, he was a radical jihadist. Although some people believe that their inclination towards extremism struck camp in southern Iraq, during four years in U.S. custody. Most of the camp of Al - Qaeda commanders were kept.
He Iraq al - Qaeda emerged as the leader. In 2010 ISIS later became one of many groups. It came into limelight when it al Syria - tried to merge with Nsra.
Al-Qaeda chief opposes
The Al - Qaeda network are not loyal to the leader Zawahiri. Just focus on Iraq and Syria to the ISIS-Zawahiri, Al - Nsra was asked to leave the handover.
Bghdadi and his militia Al - Qaeda Mukia appeal flagrantly violated, causing some analysts believe that Islamic extremists have now increased their clout.
David Ignatius of the Washington Post writes,'' the true heir ISIS leader Osama bin Laden, Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi may be.''
Pakistan, the Arabian Peninsula and in North Africa al - Qaeda's Zawahri due to the presence of still greater vigor.
Baghdadi is the reward of 60 million
But Bghdadi most organized and most ruthless war strategist has gained prominence.
Baghdadi in October 2011 to U.S. officials 'terror' was declared and a million dollars for his capture, dead or alive (approximately Rs 60 crore) had declared a reward.
The Baghdadi nicknames - Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Abu Dua and doctor Ali al - Badri Al - Smarai is also mentioned.
It is said that they were in the Syrian raqqah. Therefore, one of the world's most dreaded jihadi organizations more questions than answers remain about the head.
ISIS is the biggest threat to India
According to the Times of India reported security sources said the terror group ISIS institutions aim is to establish a global Islamic state.
This organization recently released a map of the western part of the Islamic State of Gujarat and India have shown part of Khorasan.
Which may prove to be a major threat to India.
Under the fears that India's security agencies are highly disciplined and highly ambitious organization need to be cautious.
While India is on the radar of the organization directly.

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