Thursday, November 27, 2014

Two rupees may be cheaper petrol

               Next week, per liter of diesel and gasoline prices could be reduced by one to two rupees. Reduction in price due to a reduction in the price of crude oil.
               This week the price of the Indian basket of crude is between 74 to 80 dollars. In the domestic market, the retail price of petrol and diesel, the October average of the Indian basket of crude oil prices have been fixed. In October 2014 it was 86.83 dollars a barrel. Crude oil prices have fallen this month and on November 26 it has come down to $ 76.
                  See Before September 2014 the average price of the Indian basket of crude to $ 96.96 a barrel. Oil marketing company in the country, the government, according to a retired president is bound to fall in price because the price of crude oil has decreased significantly.
                    But it is clear that such reductions can not be revealed because now is the time span the oil marketing companies are losing their old. Then cut a couple bucks can be expected.

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