Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sex Myth, which undermines

These are not really funny Myth
         You will read and hear about the many sex myth but did you know that some people really are as a follow -sex myth, while they may in fact be just a joke. Here, in India, the Health Myth Some of the same sex that you should ignore.

Anal sex is safe 
         Many people believe that the unnatural sex and oral sex anal sex is safe. It is no possibility of pregnancy. Of course this may not be true but it Pregnant Anal sex and oral sex is not safe.
Indeed, sex and sexually transmitted disease or infection that can be styled. Anal is necessary to use a condom during sex.

Large breast are pressed
          Men believe that women often suppress breast, massage and kissing her breast to grow. But that's not true. For women undergoing breast surgery if it does not make you big.
Indeed, the breast during sex is an activity that increases the blood flow, causing some moments but normal blood flow to the breasts look bigger after they come back to the normal state.
Masturbation is the Infertility 
          Many men today believe that masturbation also has many disadvantages. They believe that to blindness, loss of hair or hair in unwanted places quality to germinate and decreases sperm. But it’s nothing.
Neither the ability to be stimulated during masturbation sex nor decreases sperm quality is poor. Not only that, there are many benefits of masturbation.

Pregnancy can be the kiss of 
         This myth is very common in teen girl from what could be Pregnant. While it is not. It is not possible that a girl Pregnant what may, this is just a blank myth.
Intercourse is at least 3-4 hours
        If they are discharged in 10 minutes, then he is a disease.

It is only possible in a porn intercourse is true in real life is not a disease to 10 minutes.

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