Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Laughing as a health tonic

                    Huge importance of human life is happiness. Happiness and sorrow the environment is the same as living in sin. In every state and every situation is going to the Supreme God.When a person takes delight in the watches of the crisis, Laughing - smiles then understand that it is obeyed God, sorrow - experience the sweetness is in pain.
                 Chiang name in China was a great philosopher. Once he accidentally met with an accident and had to be hospitalized. Emperor of China when it was reported out about the philosopher saint, he thought I should go to the hospital and they themselves got there.
                   Chiang emperor saw that great philosopher has bandages all over its face. The emperor asked innate sense of Chiang much would it hurt you? Chiang emperor simply replied yes sir! It hurts when I laugh, I smile. 
                 The Emperor was surprised and began to laugh so awful after the accident - what is the reason to smile? After they questioned him. Chiang said the cook! This is the perfect opportunity to smile. If I did not smile in these moments of sorrow and suffering utter the remaining time to laugh - smile it mean then? 
                 Virtually Haas - humor is very important in human life. Internal happiness of man's smile appears. Well we all smiles but sorrow - I smile baby in pain - C is above board.

               Child is smiling even for no reason, laughing. Such a situation is rare, priceless, but the one who got him if he got to the truth of life. Utmost truth of life is happiness.

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