Sunday, January 11, 2015

School will be closed until January 15

               Due to freezing of the district administration has declared a holiday in all schools by January 15. The only classes, running from 9 to 12. The classes will run from 2 pm to ten o'clock in the morning and the school administration will be necessary arrangements to protect children from the cold.
               DM Rajasekhar weather department said that in the next couple of days will not relieve the bitterly cold. So, take these steps to protect children are cold.
               Something cold on Saturday and spoiled attitude. People between the sheets of icy wind and fog day and gone are Titurte. The minimum temperature was six degrees Celsius in the morning. The maximum temperature of about 11 degrees declined.
                 Due to the thick blanket of fog on Saturday sun came not. Daytime maximum temperature was recorded at 11.5 degrees Celsius. Earlier this attitude of mercury appeared after January 6, 2013, when the sun does not come out because of the maximum mercury was creeping up to 11 degrees.

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