Friday, September 5, 2014

Modi questions and answers for kids

Modi said, the problem of energy crisis around the world
      In response to the question of saving electrical energy crisis, Prime Minister Modi has become a worldwide problem. Power saving many endeavors.
      He said that electricity is not only important to save water. He said girls should receive education close to home, because the quality of education is very important.
      Modi must live within our child because the child will keep us alive. Question-and-answer session after the Manekshaw Auditorium in Modi met by students.
"125 million Indians My Family '
       Modi said, was in a primary school in Jpan trip. I noticed that there are not jobs at all. Learning there is 100 per cent.
       Modi said that women's education is very important. If a girl is educated, two are home educated. A student asked the Prime Minister, how we can contribute to the development of the country?
       Students responded to Modi-you become good citizens. This may not be the major contributor to the development of the country.
       He said that national service is not meant to be in the military or politics. The country is also served by the little things. Modi when a student asked me why you chose politics as a profession.
       Modi said please do not tell politics profession. It is a service. There are 125 million native country and in my family have been serving him.
"Prepare for the 2024 elections'
       A student asked the Prime Minister Modi, I can become the Prime Minister.Modi has very interesting question in style. He said the student, prepare for the 2024 elections. Modi said that the government does not have the next 10 years. He had told the student Ldia the 2024 election. If you become prime minister sworn in call me.
      Modi said that in a democracy no one can contest. Win public trust can win the election and become prime minister. He told the students to ask questions, my best wishes are with you.
"I do not contest the class monitors'
      Question and answer sessions several interesting questions are being asked by the Prime Minister Modi. Modi asked a student what you ever thought about becoming prime minister?
      Modi replied, no, I am from a simple family. I never fought for the post of class monitor. Modi asked by a student what you will gain by talking to us?
      Modi answer- advantages are not everything. Today on TV that officials asked the children what you want from the prime minister. My point is that a lot of kids see on TV today.
      Modi told the students, I am a task master. I also do a lot of work. I said from the Red Fort that you will work 12 hours then I will work 13 hours.
"They are easy to find information on Google '
       Modi, Chief Minister as Prime Minister, I had the advantage of working experience. Although much has not changed, but we still have much work to do.Modi said that my responsibilities have increased. He said that in my life, my teachers, my education and values ​​have played a crucial role.
"Children should not technically off '
      Modi said he has many dreams to children. He said, if you dream hard not to see the life you will start a single problem.
      Modi said, the importance of technology is moving us away from our children should not technical. If the kids away from the technical to a social crime.
      Modi said the technology are important, but do not dilute physical activities. He is a world outside the world of TV and computer. He asked the students what you do physical labor. The students responded yes.
"The world needs good teachers'
      I had the opportunity to do that I addressed the students of the country. Arnbi his speech with these words, the prime minister Narendra Modi.
      Modi said, why not us to think that people are becoming teachers. The world needs good teachers. Modi said good teachers can not be imported. Why our children can not think about becoming a good teacher?
      Falling hair are like them. Modi has once again raised the problem of toilets in schools. Modi said that many schools do not have toilets for girls.
      Modi said recently returned from a trip to Japan, Japanese people are themselves clean rooms and classrooms. Why can not we.
Modi was addressing teachers
      On Thursday, Prime Minister honored the 350 teachers on Teacher's Day, Modi said in casual conversation teaching life is religion. Not profession. Modi said the Gujarat chief minister and his two wishes were for the first time. Childhood friends and teachers to meet all of them. Who taught them.
      He said both of my wishes have come true. Teacher's role in any student's life is very important. He joked that he hopes the award will not be affected by wind Adhypak Delhi. Modi said that if society is to progress, so teachers will always be two steps ahead of time. They have to understand the changes happening around the world and will prepare a new generation accordingly.
      He is not retired teacher ever and always try to give the knowledge to the new generation continues.
Modi became the teacher on Teacher's Day
      Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a while students across the country are invited to. Modi on the occasion of Teacher's Day will appear as a teacher. Will interact with the children, will find them and will answer their questions.
       Human Resource Development Ministry show and tell Modi's speech has directed all the schools to arrange. In various schools of the country, students are eagerly awaiting the Prime Minister Modi's speech.
       All regional TV channels, including television and television from the website of Ministry of HRD and is Modi's speech live.

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