Saturday, August 23, 2014

Will not run in shabby school buildings: dilapidated school buildings will move in the ongoing

                    Leaky roof, plaster disturbed, grew grass on the walls. All primary schools have almost the same picture but now is going to get rid of these schools. Basic and former secondary schools in the state that the transfer of children to another new school will be located soon. If the transfer has not started the process of repair of the building will be. Secretary of Basic Education Basic Education Council officers have inspected the land leased ongoing repairs of schools and directed to transfer.
                  65 024 primary and secondary schools throughout the state prior years are going to rent. The 34 290 school whose independence before running into the same building rent is between five and 15 bucks. While some schools fare is between 50 and 90 bucks. Due to the low rent landlord is not interested in making the repairs.
                    Therefore, school buildings are dilapidated. Drip from every corner of the roof, walls, trees have grown big. Therefore, frequent accident situation persists, the risk of children's lives.
                    Therefore, the Basic Education Basic Education Board Secretary Sanjay Sinha has directed the authorities to physical verification of schools. If the school is corroded so there will be transferred to nearby school children.
                    Running in rented buildings in collaboration with the landlord have to repair schools. Secretary says that protecting children is most important to us.

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