Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Adnga of Finance on increasing teachers' position: the position of the center could generate on assurance

             Finance Department 19 555 teachers for primary schools Adnga is put into the creation of posts. Now consult specialists from the Department of Basic Education will soon file a reply in order to correct it.
            Chance of assurance from the center on the creation of the post of the department of finance 19 555 posts of teachers had sought permission. The posts under SSA for schools were newly built from 2011 until now.
              But the finance department, saying that before the government put Adnga written for teachers' salaries, it says it is willing to pay 65 per cent share. According to officials of the Department of Basic Education, the center will not write anything in writing because the case is not according to these policies.
              When permission beforehand why these objections - objections of the finance department officials are also not correct to assume, as when center Whenever new school teachers as well as to allow for the creation of the post.           Teachers create the post of the state, and if the central government budget in the same year, starts to salaries of teachers. When the center position, it does not justify the creation has given permission.
              Sources load increase expenditure, these positions will be created at the state expenses will increase significantly in the recent recruitments are more than quarter of a million in the Department of Basic Education.
               The cost of the state government already has gone. Therefore, the Department of Finance is putting Adnga. SSA is part of the plans of the state government 35 per cent.

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