Saturday, May 30, 2015

Id Meeladunnbi (Baravfat) declared public holiday on December 24 on the occasion of

              Government ID Meeladunnbi (Baravfat) on December 24 on the sidelines of Nigoshiyebl Instrument Act is declared a public holiday.
              Principal Secretary (General Administration) in accordance with the mandate issued by the juvenile Hriraj, the government has included in the list of public holidays.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Children in junior high schools will chair-table studies: early July will, in all schools, not just the furniture arrangement

               Basic Education Council of the junior high school children to read, sit on chairs or tables. The district level committee headed by the District Magistrate of furniture will be supplied.        Basic Education Minister Ram Govind Chaudhary on Wednesday in a meeting with officials by proposing to give soon, making possible the supply of furniture to schools by July.
               Basic Education Minister said at the meeting at the district level will be invited to tender for it and will be delivered within schedule. This immediate action will be taken against those disturbances.
                 However, in July, the school opened to 15 to share the children's book publishers essentially supply has been instructed to take.

DA 113 per cent from July to get state employees

              State government employees in January to six per cent dearness allowance was announced. The order has not come yet. From July to its employees will benefit. Each employee will receive 113 per cent of the DA.
                Employees Teachers Coordination Committee convener Hanuman Prasad Srivastava says the increased dearness allowance to employees of the central government is to find. State employees benefit from June had expected. But so far there has been no budget arrangements.
                   By July, the DA will be in every state. The biannual basis December and in July, inflation is the increase in the allowance. Right now, 107 per cent of the staff is to get the DA.
                    Two months later, six per cent and will rise. From January to June of arrears of DA will be deposited in the fund.

Adnga of Finance on increasing teachers' position: the position of the center could generate on assurance

             Finance Department 19 555 teachers for primary schools Adnga is put into the creation of posts. Now consult specialists from the Department of Basic Education will soon file a reply in order to correct it.
            Chance of assurance from the center on the creation of the post of the department of finance 19 555 posts of teachers had sought permission. The posts under SSA for schools were newly built from 2011 until now.
              But the finance department, saying that before the government put Adnga written for teachers' salaries, it says it is willing to pay 65 per cent share. According to officials of the Department of Basic Education, the center will not write anything in writing because the case is not according to these policies.
              When permission beforehand why these objections - objections of the finance department officials are also not correct to assume, as when center Whenever new school teachers as well as to allow for the creation of the post.           Teachers create the post of the state, and if the central government budget in the same year, starts to salaries of teachers. When the center position, it does not justify the creation has given permission.
              Sources load increase expenditure, these positions will be created at the state expenses will increase significantly in the recent recruitments are more than quarter of a million in the Department of Basic Education.
               The cost of the state government already has gone. Therefore, the Department of Finance is putting Adnga. SSA is part of the plans of the state government 35 per cent.

BTC 2014 : hanging by the indecision on the new session, the proposed rule on SCERT months overdue

             BTC colleges to exempt their level of giving admission to the proposal because of indecisiveness BTC's 2014 admission process has now begun. BTC session admission process is running a year behind. BTC which should begin in July 2014 session, has not introduced her proposal is approved.
              BTC colleges association is responsible for issuance of the college exams to rule the responsibility of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) is the regulatory authority under the Secretary exam.
                BTC courses and sessions regarding the regulation of the operation could not yet have any rules. Because of this many months after the session began colleges affiliation order of the day continues.
                  After affiliation from SCERT trainees are allocated to colleges. It is delayed. Trainees often do not get the reserved class college court cases at the Department of Basic Education knock the pressure increases.
                  To deal with this problem by SCERT BTC college admission process decentralized government had sent a proposal in November last year. The proposal states that the system of allocation of trainees from colleges SCERT finish college students on their level should be given the right to admission.
                    Publish ads and invite applications from college students to enroll them on merit. However, the conduct of examinations in colleges regulatory authority prior to the exam will be like a regulated entity. Even after months on this proposed rule is pending.

Drought-hit districts to be closed mid-day-meal: Secretary of Basic Education on June 1 will video conferencing with DM

                During summer vacation in drought-hit districts Prisdiy schools plan to give the Mid-Day-mile can be closed. The situation is that many school districts are not children after opening. DM HL Gupta has also informed the Secretary of Basic Education.
                 Secretary to know the truth on June 1, will video conferencing with district magistrates. It would only decide how many districts where it is played and to be turned off.
                  Basic education secretary said the central system in the drought-hit districts in the summer holidays also provides for Mid-Day-mile.
                   The central government provides the money for it. Based on this, MDM authority to the District Collectors of the affected districts, even in the summer holidays to Mid-Day-mile was ordered.
                    Depending on the school you are being opened, but the children are not eating mid-day-mile. He will decide how many districts in video conferencing can run it. If you do not have to inform it by the center will be closed.

20 thousand posts of teachers occupied screw Finance Department has refused to approve the proposal to create the post

               Have been approved in 2011-12 under SSA 9977 primary schools teachers currently deployed managed studies will trust. 19 954 posts of teachers in these schools over the screw is stuck.
                Treasury also created the office refused to approve the proposal, saying that the Department of Basic Education that teachers' salaries before the Centre's commitment to bring it to 65 per cent of funds will remain as before.
                 Four years ago, has not allowed these schools to create the post of Basic Education Council to deploy them by teachers of other schools is somehow driving to work.
                   SSA State Project Office, two assistant teachers per school per 19 954 9977 to create a post of assistant teachers in schools had sent the proposed rule. The Department proposes to create the post sent to the finance department, he has been stalling it.
                 Department of the center to give such a commitment is too late Hallknu: SSA have been approved under the 9977 primary schools in 2011-12, currently deployed managed studies will trust the teachers. 19 954 posts of teachers in these schools over the screw is stuck.
                Four years ago, has not allowed these schools to create the post of Basic Education Council to deploy them by teachers of other schools is somehow driving to work. SSA State Project Office, two assistant teachers per school per 19 954 9977 to create a post of assistant teachers in schools had sent the proposed rule.
                 The Department proposes to create the post sent to the finance department, he has been stalling it. Department of the center to give such a commitment is not possible.

Teachers will receive training in four days: July before arranging furniture etc.

               Chief Secretary Alok Ranjan said state Education Department plans to review at least one hundred schools before July to ensure the provision of furniture.
                While the basic schools by June 30 toilets should be completed in all cases. He said that the ability to read at grade one and two students, increasing class 3 to 5 in English class 6-8 to strengthen and to strengthen the science teachers to be trained for 4 days, said Eddie Jaa.unhonne -besik, BSA, except Biio SSA district coordinator, the co-coordinators of the target must be inspected.
                The girl at the educationally backward blocks in 680 manufacturing Chhatrwas issued directives.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

BTC's and 9050 seats rise: low Merit will also enrolled in BTC

              BTC of the incident will not be a seat for now. At Merit, even those enrolled in private colleges will get easier. 181 private colleges in the state and allow BTC is preparing to begin studying. These associations meet BTC's 9050 seats will increase.
               State Level Committee has recommended affiliation to new colleges. Now the government is preparing to issue orders in this regard is possible. 181 colleges, private colleges in the state to meet the affiliation will be 883 and the number of seats will be 44 150. Government of BTC in the Dayton 10 450 seats.
              The ability to become a teacher in primary schools graduates and BTC. State Government BEd those six months in primary teacher training bases used to make specific BTC, but the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), the BEd Teachers who make a stop at the BTC since craze has grown very fast. Therefore the incident is a seat of BTC. Currently, there are 702 private colleges in the state of BTC.
                 At a recent meeting of the State Level Committee 181 colleges association has been found to conform to the standard. The committee is requested to rule affiliation to these colleges. There are 50 seats in each private BTC college.

Despite High Court orders issued contempt notices to find work teaching teachers

            Despite High Court orders teachers find teaching work Bvnath former District Magistrate and Deputy Collector Hrshita issued contempt notices to Mathur's order, Justice RD Khare, former councilor Kamlesh Singh and others have a contempt petition.
           Former DM Bvnath and SDM Hrshita summed primary school teachers in the Bielo and socialist pension validate accused of planting.

BEd qualified, counseling from June: the near total one lakh 62 thousand 564 students

             Province bed biennial state level entrance examination results came on Monday. BEd entrance examination was held in 17 cities this time. Entrance examination across the state total one lakh 62 thousand 564 students have passed. The counseling center for replacing the 19 centers, 11 have been selected.
            BEd JEE coordinator and Professor of the University of Lucknow. Waike Sharma said the students will be called for counseling from June.
           All of these state universities, Lucknow, Agra, Allahabad, Varanasi, Kanpur and Meerut, from the number of participants more than a two-centers have been created. BEd admissions are based on rank. The Engineering College of the Allahabad better job, given her counseling center will be built. 2015-17 BEd entrance exam this year in order to maintain transparency in the biometric pattern was used.
             BEd entrance examination this time in the state to Lucknow University was assigned to the task. Ntijeke came exactly a month after passing the exam on July new season to begin.

Given the number of children Develop a mid-day meal: the children are not in school, there is no built Mdyahn food

             Given the strong summer last year in the province's 58 districts were declared drought collectors have been told that the school children are available in sufficient numbers, to be erected there mid-day meal.
               The schools are not children, to be erected there Mdyahn meals. Shraddha Mishra, director of the food authority about Mdyahn Monday directed the concerned district collectors have been.
                 Mdyahn diet plan guidelines in schools districts were declared drought in the summer holidays the children mid-day meal is the provision of.
                 Based on this authorization Mdyahn food last year, 58 districts were declared drought had instructed the district magistrates in their district covered by the plan, schools and seminaries in the summer holidays the children arranged to provide cooked mid-day meal Please.

Secondary teachers will retire on March 31, April or later will get on retirement benefits of the season

            Teachers now will retire in March. Jitender Kumar, Principal Secretary, Secondary Education if any teacher's retirement in April, it will benefit the entire session to teach.
             In order to apply before the teacher had to retire in June and then in the event of retirement benefits they were given session.
             The new system, starting from April 1 to March 31 session runs.
              As a reminder here on and after April when the retirement benefits of the sessions all over the teacher had gone to court. Principal Secretary (Secondary Education) has said in a letter to the Director of the order should be fully adhered to.

Monday, May 25, 2015

BTC candidate seeking counseling adamant: the fourth day of multiple Ansnkarion condition deteriorates

            Uncertain demand for counseling date and appointment date on fast carpet candidates encompass BTC continued on Sunday.
            Fair grounds date from several districts of the state on the fourth day of BTC candidates lay several Ansnkarion but the condition worsened and reached a medical facility ire candidates protesting against the administration.              BTC candidate Ashish Pandey pointed out that despite the constant demand counseling date not being declared.  
            Pandey said the evening a delegation of BTC candidates met the Education Minister but did not get any concrete assurance. The hunger strike will continue.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Husband and wife, both in government jobs and the housing allowance in the same town Why: High Court made an explanation on the mandate of the housing allowance

             Government jobs are spouses are deployed in the same district and are living in the same housing policy under which both the housing allowance is being paid. The High Court has sought a response from the government on the matter.
             The government has asked the salaries and allowances of the policy. Bhim Singh, Chief Justice Dr ocean PIL hearing. DY Chandrachud and Justice Manoj Kumar Gupta's bench has sought information from the Finance Department of the State Government.
              Bench was of the opinion that it is possible that the spouse whose salary is higher in the housing allowance should be given to him. Take pleasure in a home stay but the housing allowance which it was policy.
                The petitioner maintained that the government issued a mandate on 11 February 2015 spousal housing allowance is directed to the prior mandate of April 28, 2000 one of the two was a provision for allowance. Bench wanted to know that this is the Official Rules of the service and salary.
                 What mandate is consistent with the Rules. Secretary, Department of Finance on July 21 to file a reply.

BTC will intern angry fast: 15 thousand teachers opposed to not start the hiring process

               State government recruitment process of teachers in primary schools, 15 thousand against the front UP UP BTC conflict will fast unto death.
                Secretary of the Council and Secretary of Basic Education Basic education counseling from a date to be declared in the BTC trainees displeasure.
                  BTC conflict that recruit Front Ajit Mishra Basic Education Board Secretary Sanjay Sinha about when he said the talks were hiring decision is not in their possession.
                  HL Gupta, Secretary of Basic Education will decide about this.

Teacher unions have opposed opening the school holidays: May 25 order back to the mid-day pick-mile distribution will boycott

             Open mid-day summer school in order to be given-mile protest has begun. UP Primary Teachers Association has said that the opening of schools in the summer holidays and the Mid-Day-mile delivery to the duty of teachers is illegal. Because teachers can not be non-academic work.
               If the department in the summer holidays in order to open the school to May 25 not withdrawn will boycott the mid-day-mile delivery. Whose responsibility would rule. The state government last year, 59 districts were declared drought.
                So in the summer holidays from 9am to 11-mile mid-day school open to children is being ordered. Two days after the order is up in arms. Teachers say that summer has started from May 21 to why the order was issued to open the school. Moreover teachers in non-academic work is ordered by the court not to impose.
               The mid-day-mile delivery, how it was made the duty of teachers. While mid-day on Friday, the school open for miles, mostly on children rather not arrived. City area schools are also very few. Teachers say that most children in the holiday home or village are gone. The number is very low.

Appointment of teachers in the contempt of court: CT nursery, attend counseling directed D.ED degree holders

            CT nursery assistant teacher degree holders 10 thousand to 15 thousand assistant teacher recruitment and hiring Dharkoen Diad degree in counseling, is a contempt of court orders government. Basic Education Principal Secretary on the matter on Friday by appearing in court Hiralal Gupta had to clarify.
              The court gave him another chance to carry out the orders. The cases have been filed in the High Court petitions dozens contempt.
             In the case of nursery whistle love, beads Yadav petitions filed by the ten thousand candidates, including the hiring of assistant teachers in counseling degree holders to include whistle nursery has been ordered by the High Court.
            Yet they have not been included in counseling. Principal Secretary Hiralal said it has sought permission from the NCTE. On receiving permission order will be followed. Justice RD Khare hearing the petition directed to complete the four-week follow orders.
           Similarly, the recruitment of assistant teachers Diad degree holders to include 15 thousand High Court had directed. Do not follow this order when Suman Pandey and 19 others have filed a contempt petition. The Court of the State in order to comply with the BSA to two weeks to notify Yachign has directed.

Teaching teachers to work contempt petition: Petition hearing on Friday

          Despite High Court orders the duty of teachers in primary and upper primary schools in work contempt petition has been filed against the installation. Councillor Kamlesh Singh filed petition. Petition will be heard on Friday.
           Blo and socialist councilor says that teachers are going to work pension verification etc. which is contempt of court. Education Department is aware of the court order to do so he has nonetheless.
            Hence the contempt petition filed court case being brought to the notice of.

Blo made a stop on transfers of teachers: only with permission of the State Election Commission to allow transfers

             Basic Education Department Prisdiy transfers of teachers in schools is banned. Basic Education Secretary Hira Lal Gupta, Sanjay Sinha has directed the Secretary of the Council panchayat elections electoral roll revision work is not complete until long Prisdiy school teachers are not permitted to transfer.
              He said that with the permission of the State Election Commission as absolutely necessary to allow transfers of teachers.
                Prisdiy schools teacher of the electoral roll and Bielo work, so this command should be strictly adhered to.

DA increased in July, is expected to meet: the burden of Rs 1,320 crore on the exchequer will finance department augmented

            State employees, teachers and Shikshnottr staff increased at a rate of six per cent dearness allowance (DA) of the cash payment is expected in July. Enhanced dearness allowance at the rate of giving mandate to be released in June.
             The central government on April seven DA central staff increased from 107 to 113 per cent decided. DA employees grew at a rate to be given in January.
              According to the government, the state government decided to give state employees grew at a rate that DA.
              State employees grew at a rate of DA are augmented in the finance department. Though devastated by unseasonal rain and hail falling 2447.95 crore as compensation to farmers after sharing government hands are tight.
             16.5 million state employees, teachers and staff Shikshnottr grew six per cent rate to the DA 1320 crore on the exchequer is estimated Wyybar. So in this case the Department of Finance to conclude a spike-up is trying to fix.
              Principal Secretary Finance Rahul Bhatnagar said the department is evaluating the government's financial situation. DA mandate to give state employees grew at a rate to be released in June. From January to May increased arrears of DA GPF accounts of state employees will be paid in cash from June said.
                According to this fact the staff actually risen in July to pay cash at the rate of DA with the salary will meet June. In recent years, state government employees grew from January each year at the rate of DA given payment order has been issued in the month of June-July. Last year's parliamentary elections, the government ordered the payment of increased DA was released on April 17.

Shikshamitra on the adjustment notice of the Supreme Court: Plea hearing on July six

            Tet passed without shikshamitra assistant teacher education provided to adjust the position in the case the Supreme Court has issued notice to the state government. Himanshu Rana and others vs Union of India's petition Himanshu Singh Rana and Sanger said the state government by interim application of the provisions of the Education Act 2009 is Ulgnn.
           No candidate passed without NCTE tet assistant teacher after notification to make state government education friends have to adjust to the post of assistant teacher. NCTE two-year distant BTC merit to be considered in teacher training is also helpful.
           Justice Deepak Mishra and Justice PC Pant bench has issued notice to the state government on the interim application. The petition will be heard on July six.

Trainee teachers training at BRC: The trainee teachers in schools have also completed a three-month theoretical training, also training at BRC

             Prisdiy primary schools joining the trainee teachers who have completed a three-month practical training Thursday Block Resource Centres (BRCs) will be on the theoretical training.
              The trainee teachers in schools have also completed a three-month theoretical training, also training will be given on Thursday BRC. The Department of Basic Education has issued a mandate on Wednesday.
                Mandate the Director of State Educational Research and Training Council (SCERT) of the trainee teachers undergo training at BRC has been directed to arrange.
                 Mandate in order to Srvedra SCERT director Vikram Bahadur Singh and diet all BSA Professors has issued guidelines about this.
                  Mind you, May 18, during videoconferencing HL Gupta, district secretary Basic Education Basic Education Officers and District Education and Training Institutions (Diet) had given instructions to the principals. So far 56 152 72 825 positions in the state relative to the trainee teacher has to take charge. However, the question now is up the block resource centers 56 152 trainee teachers will be trained how.
                   Trainee teacher selection mandate issued on 27 July 2011 stated that the selection of trainee teachers will be given training on merit according to BRC. Basic Education Department has now expressed fears that such a large number of trainee teachers arriving BRC system anywhere there is not collapsing.

BTC will be filled by June for admission form: in the state are currently 46,300 seats of BTC

              BTC for the new season will be applied from June and July will begin a new session. Applications for admission will be only online like before releasing the possible merit admission process should be started.
                The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) has prepared the proposal for it and soon the government is preparing to send.
                 Ability to become a teacher in primary schools of the state's graduation and BTC. BTC course for two-year-old are eligible to graduate and are admitted on merit. Currently, 46,300 seats in the state of BTC. 10 450 and 35 850 in private colleges in Dayton the 717 seats. By the end of June, according to the admission process will be completed by July and will begin studies.
                    The online application process will be completed as soon as, when determining the merit will be released online a week later. After this process will be made district-wise counseling.
                       The rights of private BTC decision regarding the admission to the colleges has not yet. So it is believed that only through the Diet will be given to students at private colleges BTC.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Grishmvkash will also now kids meals: midday meals by the Authority in this regard issued to all district collectors

             The government of the state declared drought in 58 districts including Meerut Grishmvkash children also now has decided to provide food.
              The school will be opened for the food distribution. Shraddha Mishra, director of Mid-Day Meal Authority UP including Meerut district collectors have issued orders in this regard on Wednesday.
                 Government Meerut, Baghpat, Ghaziabad, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Bulandshahr and Hapur, including 58 districts have been declared drought-hit. However, the central government issued under the mid-day meal scheme in order that it said affected students in schools in the districts covered by the scheme cooked food will also be provided in the summer.
                   The 58 drought-affected districts to 11 from nine o'clock in the morning in Grishmvkash closure of middle schools students on the meal will be provided. As well as those individuals and entities responsible for the distribution of mid-day meal that might be covered by the normal working days scheme by providing food in schools to conduct work is distributed.
                   BSA Jivendra Ari Singh on Wednesday said the order has been received in this regard. He said that in order to continue from May 21 to June 30 in food will be distributed to all schools and madrasas.
                    District name
                     1 3-Allahabad, Agra, Aligarh 2-4-auraiya 5-Azamgarh 6-badayoon 7-baghpat 8-banda 9-Bareilly 10-Bhadohi 11-bulandshahar 12-Chanduli 13-Chitrakoot 14-Amethi 15-devaria 16-Eta 17-Faizabad 18-Farrukhabad Firozabad 20 21 1 9-Fatehpur Gautam Buddha Nagar 22-Gazipur 23-Ghaziabad 24-Gonda-Gorakhpur 26-Hamirpur 27-hardoi 25 28 hathras 2 9-Etawah 30-amroha 31-jalaun 32-Jaunpur 33-Jhansi 34-Kannauj 35-Kanpur Nagar 36-Dehat 37-Kaushambi 38-Kushinagar 3 9-Lucknow 40-Mahoba 41-Mhrajagnj 42-Mainpuri 43-Mathura 44- Mau 45-Meerut-Muzaffarnagar 4 9 48 46-Mirzapur 47-Moradabad-Rampur-Pilibhit 50 51 Rae 52-Saharanpur 53-Shahjahanpur 54-Sonebhadra 55-Sultanpur 56-unnav 57-Hapur 58-Shamali.

Junior Science-Mathematics direct recruitment of teachers are still in the 3 barriers

             Basic Education Council upper primary schools 29 334 assistant teachers of science and mathematics in recruiting three bottleneck.
              The greatest difficulty is with professional degrees. Tech, BAMS, BCA, BSc or BEd candidates who BTC after agriculture, said he underwent training in science class and BTC or BEd in science class tet 0.72825 passed trainee teacher recruitment has kept them in science class But their opposition is to recruit 29 334 teachers.
                 High Court directed the government to address this issue in August 2014 to four Haipavar committee was constituted. The committee in its report, the High Court, according to which professional degree are eligible to enroll, but the court order is yet to come.
                 On the other hand tet marks before the High Court is to give preference to the issue. The petitioner says that the NCTE tet SK reader points to give preference to the provision.
                 While science and mathematics teachers are recruited on the basis of academic record.

UP ; Improve education in schools to give the desired appointment

              Primary education, to improve the plight of the Basic Education Department has taken a unique step. You want them to use the basic teachers in schools will endeavor to deploy.
               The area is the primary-junior teachers in schools around the area will be to try to recruit them.
                 This arrangement would therefore department. It often comes in the inspection, the primary-junior teachers in schools do not reach the right time.
                  Teachers say that the school is far away, so he gets over half the time on the way. So he left behind're not at school on time. Ramgonvid Chaudhry had directed the Minister of Basic Education, the primary-junior teachers in nearby schools Brakr alternative appointment will be made to them.
                    The Department is taking steps this directive soon. Between June 30 and July because teachers are transferred. Tbadlen teachers can get under the new system. Under the new arrangements Mnchahen teachers will be deployed in schools.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Trainee teachers to fill vacancies will form the new strategy today: Will the Secretary of Basic Education Video Conferencing

              Trainee teachers in primary schools to fill vacancies will be created anew strategy. Secretary of Basic Education HL Gupta on Monday in connection with district officials will video conferencing. It will be in video conferencing where many posts were filled and what class of vacancies.
              Based on this strategy will be created to fill these positions. So far nearly 54 548 trainee teachers to fill the post of Information State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) showed.
                State Supreme Court directive district 72 825 trainee teacher positions recruitment process is ongoing. But education for friends and ST candidates are not eligible for reserved positions.
                  In this regard Basic Education Basic Education Director and SCERT officials gave the information.

Now free books to children in July: the Department of Education from the publishers of the book publishing contract

            Parishdiya-school children free books will be distributed in July now. Basic Education Department awarded contracts for the printing for the book to 35 publishers. About 10 million books publisher print. Basic Education Department, under the conditions of publishers to print books by the first week of June contract.
                Basic Education Council under the Parishdiya schools and secondary education in primary schools affiliated to the Council of the students plan to give free book. The state government, which began on April 1, this time directed the authorities to distribute the books in the session, but could not because of the tender by the time the new books to children could not be found.
               So the old books by distributing the work was conducted. The Department of Education has contracted to print the book from the publishers.

The new cadre will be seen in the books of the government schools: 35 publishers were allowed to print 10 million books

            Children in public schools provided free textbooks faster printing process has started. This time, after opening the financial bids of up to eight classes of 10 million books, 35 publishers have been the responsibility of anonymity.
              Officials say that the first week of June Cpakr comparison to books, the books will be given to the children on July. This time the children free books received will be seen in the new cadre. Under SSA Prisdiy schools, government, aided and private secondary schools, run by the Social Welfare Department of Government and aided schools and madrasas of Classes 1 to 8 SC, ST boys and girls of all classes Free Free books is granted.
             This time officials on April children free books had claimed to have. But last January 27 policy for printing, publishing textbooks issued after tender opening on February 28 Wawa tender was canceled. Technical tender was opened later on April 9.
              After five financial bids were opened on May 35 publishers agreed to publish books. The books will be published on recycled eco-friendly paper.

Anganbadi Carykrtrian only feed the hot and cooked food: NGOs were withdrawn completely from work

            Anganwadi centers Carykrtrian the hot and cooked foods feed the kids now. Government NGO hot and cooked food plan after it has decided to withdraw completely. For feeding babies have been given money in advance.
             State government Anganwadi centers the task of feeding the kids hot and cooked food was handed over to the NGO. But the district was being consistent abnormalities.
              The government also tried to monitor it, but in vain. Frequent complaints from NGOs, the government is now hot and cooked perfectly arranged stopped serving food.
               Anganbadi Carykrtrion hot and cooked food only once have given the task of serving. The breakfast was also given responsibility Carykrtrion. They will both manage things.

Basic schools biometric attendance of session 2016-17, the central government has a budget of Rs 50 lakh to the First State will apply the procedure in Kanpur and Kannauj

             Basic Education Council schools to manipulate the student number is set to tighten the screws on the government. Prisdiy biometric attendance in schools from the academic year 2016-17 will begin.
               Teachers and students will be noted by the presence of the thumb. First State will apply the procedure in Kanpur and Kannauj district schools. Central government also has a budget of Rs 50 lakh.
                Students manipulate the numbers, the manipulation and place a child enrolled several complaints to the central government was reached. Besides Teachers too arbitrary used to get to school on time with a stop sign bogus.
                Basic Education Officer and block education officers inspected several times these things were revealed. No teacher ever gets down sometimes differences in the number of students in the morning and lunch time lunch. Biometric attendance machines in schools, the government has proceeded. The first phase of the country in nearly 36 schools in two districts of the state machine would be installed.
                Kanpur district biometric attendance machine to approximately 2300 schools budget of Rs 50 lakh have been released.
                 BSA Rajendra Prasad said the inspection of schools meet several times absent teacher, when asked say that a while ago went through.
               Biometric machine will take control over these. Also many times the children were fused with bunk class. This arrangement could shrink to become a force.
                HRD (Education Act), senior adviser avanish Tripathi Kanpur and Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh, two districts have been selected.
                 The budget is also nearby. Basic Education official school report is sent. Machines shall be levied on the basis of this report. It would be the beginning of the academic session 2016-17. Biometric machines seemingly has two advantages. One of the teachers will be given time to come.

The other children will know the real number. Morning and after lunch will have to have attendance.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Accreditation of schools will rule is simple: the teacher will not be placed in private schools without tet

             Basic Education Council to run the school now will be easy to recognize. Governance rules for recognition is largely going to give relief. Now Hindi and English medium will be one of the conditions of recognition.
              Recognition of the primary and junior high school will be on the approval of the Basic AD. Basic education officer will release the order of recognition. The meeting agreed on the past. The order will be issued soon. Currently, the Council of Basic Education classes one to five and six to eight recognizes.
               Yet the recognition that there are rules, they are quite tough. But now it is preparing to simplify. According to departmental sources, the reduction in the number of rooms for recognition has been discussed. As well as government bodies, schools opened under the ground now do not need to Banam.
                 The school administration is preparing for. While far from one to five classes accreditation committee is chaired by the BSA. Eddie basic recognition of the junior high school gives the committee.
                  Now, after the implementation of the Right to Education Act, from nursery to class VIII committee headed by the recognition of the basic recommended Eddie said. But the recognition of issuing the order will only BSA.
              After the implementation of the Right to Education Act, the ability to retain teachers in private schools now have been fixed. Private schools also now tet without any teacher will not be posted. The meeting agreed on the past.

The metal that can float on water

            Researchers have demonstrated a new type of metal so light it can float on water.The radical new material, called a metal matrix composite, was developed with the US Army. 
            A boat made of such lightweight composites will not sink despite damage to its structure. The new material also promises to improve automotive fuel economy because it combines light weight with heat resistance
              Although syntactic foams have been around for many years, this is the first development of a lightweight metal matrix syntactic foam. 
                'This new development of very light metal matrix composites can swing the pendulum back in favor of metallic materials,' said Nikhil Gupta, an NYU School of Engineering professor in the Department of Mechanical andAerospace Engineering and the study's co-author.
               It was created by Deep Springs Technology and the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering.
                'The ability of metals to withstand higher temperatures can be a huge advantage for these composites in engine and exhaust components, quite apart from structural parts.' 
                The magnesium alloy matrix composite is reinforced with silicon carbide hollow particles and has a density of only 0.92 grams per cubic centimeter compared to 1.0 g/cc of water. 
                Not only does it have a density lower than that of water, it is strong enough to withstand the rigorous conditions faced in the marine environment.

29 834 mathematics and science teachers case: issuing appointment ban appeal rejected

            Math and science teachers in upper primary schools, 29 834 subsidiary filed for the appointment to stop issuing special appeal has been dismissed by the High Court.
             Earlier, in the case of a special appeals and petitions by two single Benches have been dismissed. India Suman special appeal filed by Justice Mukhtar Ahmed and Justice Rakesh Tiwari hearing.
                The petitioner said that the High Court's single bench Neelam Kumari Gautam and other interim orders on petitions Bunch appointment letter was withheld.

Basic Education Directorate on fraud in the recruitment of trainee teachers fracas, arbitrary charges in the name of recruitment

              Ongoing recruitment of trainee teachers in primary schools 72 825 ongoing fraud against the candidates of the Basic Education Directorate on Friday in the fracas. Candidates have besieged the Basic Education director DB Sharma said in the state in the name of the trainee teacher recruitment is arbitrary. Nearly 10,500 candidates in the state trainee teacher has been created for people who are not eligible.
                Basic Education Director has assured to take action against the culprits.

Child Rights Protection Commission will launch in June 1517 Balmitr toll free number: Children will be able to fix every problem, the child is also preparing counseling

             Teenagers and children up to 18 years in state solution to your every problem will be able to just make a call. The Uttar Pradesh Child Rights Protection Commission will launch a toll-free number 1517. The commission 'child friendly' is named. It is planning to launch in the second week of June.
             At present, the number is in testing mode. 1517 also filed a complaint with your problem child said. Commission chairman Juhi Singh Bal friend's main focus right to education (RTE) will be on the problems in the area. But the number of crimes complaint filed with the kids and health issues will be also be found.
            No child will be able to tell that the issues which have hesitated to share them with anyone else. Telifonik will arrange counseling for such children. Toll-free numbers will operate 24 hours but would set a fixed time for counseling.

Friday, May 15, 2015

State Teacher Eligibility Test (tet) is now preparing to June instead of July 30, in June, the online application

             State Teacher Eligibility Test (tet) is preparing to June instead of July 30. Secretary examination regulatory authority has submitted a proposal for this rule.
               According to the proposal in June, after the online application will be put to test in July. Secretary-examination by regulatory authorities prior to examination in May-June had proposed application.

Parishadiya 22,000 posts of teachers in schools will increase: Basic Directorate agreed on the proposal

                Basic Education Council primary and upper primary schools, 22,000 teachers are preparing to post. Basic Education Directorate has submitted proposals to the government. Accordingly, since 2011, increased in primary and upper primary schools is proposed to the post of assistant teacher. According to sources, almost has become a consensus on the proposal. 20,100 teachers in primary and upper primary will increase post 2400.
               However, around 40 thousand Basic Education Directorate to discuss increasing the post, but the finance department came to the scissors.
In the year 2011 after the province's 10 366 primary and higher primary schools increased in 1052. Although the post of teachers have not increased. Teachers in these schools rank last in 2011, have been approved.
                 389 269 and 161 597 posts in the primaries were high in the primary. Lack of teachers was affecting students' studies.
                  Last week, at a meeting at the government level to enhance the position of assistant teacher was discussing the proposal, after which the Directorate of Basic Education was asked to provide. According to the Education Act in primary and upper primary in 30 of 35 children, one teacher has been provided. Based on this, recruitment of teachers in primary schools are being helpful.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Shashi Kapoor's Prithvi Theatre in Mumbai, was awarded the Dada Saheb Phalke Award

Also present at the ceremony were the superstar. He made films with Shashi Kapoor shared experiences.
                Shashi Kapoor Bollywood are known for their serious acting. Earlier, the New Daily Times Shashi Kapoor film, passion and Muhafij has been awarded the National Award.
                 Shashi Kapoor in the film Wall's popular characters, bestowing, 'Satyam Sivam Sundaram', 'When the flowers bloom', the New Daily Times and passion is remembered for such roles. The new trail with Bollywood to remember that the earth is alive theater.

Panchayat began recruiting assistants in Himanchal

13 to May 27 can apply online
               HP is good news for the unemployed. State school education board started the process of recruitment through the Panchayat has been helpful. Panchayat assistant 13 to May 27 on the website of the Board of Education can be applied online. Written examination for 280 posts of panchayat assistants will be on June 14.
               The recruitment will be wise. Panchayati Raj department written examination for the recruitment of assistants in the panchayat School Education Board has sought the application. The deposit is held two minimum qualifications. 18 to 45 years of age can apply for it. Candidates can apply online on the website of the Board of Education.
Fees will be collected online
                 The application fee must be submitted online. Download a copy of the completed form online to the school board must submit education. It will look a photo with signature. Admit card can be downloaded from the website of the Board.
                  The written test will be number 85. Written test 15 days after the state Board of Education on behalf of the school committee will call for interview candidates. 5 candidates will be called for interview at the office.
Such application
                  The government is rolling out a fresh recruit assistants panchayat. More applications, forged documents and a written test without controversy due to a few months ago was canceled panchayat assistant recruitment process.
                   More than 60 thousand people had applied for it. Before applying candidates must also now apply anew. Education Board Chairman Balbir Tegta said recruitment would be fully transparent manner.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Thirty million children will join in July books, studies now being made from old books - Ram Govind Chaudhary

             Basic Education Minister Ram Govind Chaudhary said that nearly three million students in public primary and upper primary school-Chhatron Free books will be distributed in July. Basic Education Minister Ram Govind Chaudhary said convent schools on the lines of the first session was started from April but it took in the printing of books.
               Now become tender, and again in July, the school will be open to children find books. Currently, studies are being made from old books. KP College grounds to the opening of the Festival reached Prayag casual Basic Education Minister told the media that two English schools in each district were opened books have been published which will be distributed soon.
                Convent schools, like public school children instead of bench studies table-chair will sit under a fan. The government has released Rs 200 crore in the first phase. To improve the school teachers have been instructed to inspire. Officials have adopted two schools.
                 Earlier, during the negotiations at Circuit House that education reform is possible only when primary education is improved. The government has accepted the demands of teachers, many of them now is the duty of schools to study better. The two English schools in each district for the remaining seats, which is encouraging.

Will eliminate scarcity of teachers: to enhance the quality of schools teaching process changes directions

                Basic Education Minister Ram Govind Chaudhary admits that lack of primary education teachers now has recovered from the crisis. Soon teachers will end famine. Nearly three million teachers for primary schools is being appointed.
                   Speaking to Dainik Jagran on Sunday at Circuit House Chowdhury nearly half million education teacher's assistant position adjustment is being friends. Besides mathematics and science subjects 29 334 positions will be appointed soon. The government is very serious about hiring.
                     BTC 15 thousand candidates will be selected soon. 72 825 primary teachers for primary schools, the recruitment process is underway.
                       Prisdiy about the scarcity of books in schools, he said that the necessary steps are being taken. The government has set for the budget of two hundred crores. He said that the changes in the teaching process to enhance the quality of schools have been directed. Now the English will be taught in schools in line with the basic schools.
                       The first six classes taught in English, but now the government has made it compulsory from class.
                         The focus is on eliminating corruption in the department. The Basic Education officials are under strict instructions. If any complaint of corruption encountered tough measures would be taken. The complaints are also being processed on them.

Primary Children now sit on chairs or tables to read: furniture released first installment of 200 million

             State primary and upper primary school children will not sit on sackcloth-bar. Government primary school children to sit in a chair-table arrangements for the new season first installment of Rs 200 crore has been released. Basic Education Minister Ram Gobind Chaudhary.
                 This information was given during the negotiations. He had come to take part in a program on Sunday in Allahabad.
                  He said that the system of sanitation in schools will be arranged for the separate budget. The schools' electricity has been cut off, and connections will be added to their bills. Basic Education to strengthen higher education in the state of primary education must be strengthened. The Government is giving full attention.
                  He Prisdiy Vidyalyaen teachers make up flaws in the government will no longer teaching. This will increase the number of students in the school. He designed the new building to replace worn and schools will have been idle. The BSA has been sought from the list.

Anganbadi and look at the health of children of primary schools: survey work 11 to 20 May and will be July 1 to August 7 Samples

               Are fine with studying health, it is also now preparing. Children studying in primary schools across the state Anganbadi and worms in the stomach or not, they will be tested to find out now. Then state wide Worm Killer (D warming) campaign. Currently, the campaign is being launched in 27 districts of the state is.
              In the first stage estimated to be children carrying the worm infection. National Health Mission, Sifsa and the campaign is being conducted in collaboration with Evidence institution. Avidenns institution giving technical support to this campaign.
               The institution will Sapling stool of children in selected districts of UP, after which the test will know to what extent the problem of worm infections in UP and what kind of needs to de warming is in these schools? Survey work 11 to 20 May and from July 1 will be sampling by August 7.
                Anganbadi and lunch in primary schools already are. The iron tablets are distributed. Encourage children to wash hands well-being so as to avoid diseases.
These are the districts: -
                 Agra, Aligarh, Allahabad, Balrampur, Banda, Bijnore, Frukabad, Ghaziabad, Gazipur, Gorakhpur, Hardoi, Jaanpur, Jhansi, Jyotibafule Nagar, Kannauj, Kushinagar, Lakhimpur Kheri, Mathura, Mau, Meerut, Mirzapur, Moradabad, Rae Bareilly, Rampur, Siddharth, Saharanpur, Varanasi.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Shikshamitra adjustment ; Have until May 31 to prepare

Have until May 31 to prepare
              Basic Education Department of Education in the second phase being the extension of the adjustment of friends.
               The second phase 91 104 education assistant teacher until April 30 to make friends was scheduled, but many districts have yet to be removed from advertising by May 31 due to a period of adjustment is set to.
                State primary schools engaged in education through distance learning to friends BTC wants to adjust the training. In the first phase have been adjusted 58 826 education friend.
Most districts do not post
                 In the second phase 91 104 education assistant teacher position friends to be adjusted. Most districts as teachers are not spared.
In many districts still not yielded adjustment related ads.
                   Therefore, it was agreed at government level that education Friends adjustment period may be extended until May 31.
In this regard, the revised program soon is set to serve.

Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board examination TGT-PGT Announces 2013 Results

Teacher will wish to be fully
            If Inter colleges aspired to serve as a teacher in the next month if you wish can be fulfilled.
             Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board examination TGT-PGT announce the results of 2013 will then be empty as well as intermediate-level PGT TGT-seven thousand posts is going to start the process.
               Anita Yadav, the newly appointed chairman of the board in charge of secondary schools for free TGT-PGT posts will be advertised next month.
               The selection board of the state district school inspectors have asked them here Adhiachan of vacant faculty positions.
               After examination and Evaluation Board vacated by district school inspectors have been asked to submit information about vacancies quickly.
May increase the application fee
                  The TGT and PGT will be approximately seven thousand posts. The selection board of the state of all district school inspectors have sought details of the posts vacant in June 2015. Not informed of the selection board posts from the time the sender is warned of action against schools.
                     The president pointed out that from the time the Commission has decided to ask for online applications. The online application is seeking permission from the regime.
                      After getting permission from the government to complete the recruitment process will be asked for cooperation. On-line application can also be extended, this time with the board fee. This will be decided at the board meeting.