Tuesday, December 16, 2014

LED bulb with a potato can light for 40 days

                      Potato is the electric bulb. Yes, you have 40 days from the potato can burn the LED bulb. The authors have a stake.
                       Rabbinic researcher and his colleagues over the years that people are encouraged to. These inexpensive metal plates, wires and LED bulbs are adding the claim that these techniques will brighten small towns and villages around the world.
                       The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rabbinic claims, "A potato LED bulb can burn up to forty days." A new theory for Rabbinic Are not. The theory is taught in high school books and works on batteries so. The need for the two metals of-first anode, which Negative electrode, such as zinc, and other cathode-the Positive electrodes, such as copper or copper.
                       Zinc and copper with acid present in potato chemical action and the outer electrons from a substance can lead to energy its discovery in the year 1780 when he was the frog muscles Luigi Galvani shocks tied to pull the legs of frogs was two metals.
                      But you get the same effect between these two electrodes can matter. Alexander Volta used paper soaked in salt water was done. Other research has two metal plates and a pile of soil or water from the bucket means 'batteries' were created.
How to burn all potato bulbs
                     In 2010, the University of California Rabbinic Rubin ski Alex Goldberg and Boris decided to try one in this direction. Goldberg
                      Explains, "We found 20 different kinds of potatoes and examine their internal resistance Kelsie helped us understand how much energy was destroyed by the heat. “Within eight minutes boiling potatoes organic tissue crumbled potato, low resistance to movement and engaged much more energy electrons formed.
                     The potatoes, cut them into four or five pieces of copper and zinc were placed between the plates. The energy has increased 10-fold reduction in the cost of electricity.
                 Rabbinic says, "The voltage is low, but can be made such that the battery can charge mobile or laptop." Arose boil a potato
                 The cost was $ 9 per kilowatt hour of electricity, which is about 50 times cheaper than it was a D-cell battery. In developing countries where kerosene (kerosene) used is greater, there were also six times cheaper.
Unaware India
                       32 in the world in 2010. 4 million tons of potato production. It is grown in 130 countries of the world and is considered the best source of starch.

                       Potatoes are cheap, they can be easily stored and can be kept longer. 120 million people in the world are deprived of power and a potato can brighten their home. Rabbinic says, "we thought that the organization be interested in. We had thought that India's political leaders will hand us." What happened then? Three years ago, the research on the world's governments, companies or organizations have not noticed. Rabbinic "The simple answer is, they probably do not know about it."

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