Wednesday, June 3, 2015

UP Teacher Eligibility Test (tet) -2014 August 13: 10 October will declare results

               State Teacher Eligibility Test (tet) -2014 was paving the way. It is preparing to make on August 13. The third time it is going to be conducted in the state. Secretary examination regulatory authority to fix the test program is sent for approval.
              1 to June 15 in the new proposal to continue advertising, on-line application in the first week of July, seeking, to test on August 13 to October 10 is preparing to announce the results. Last month, the examination office in July tet regulatory authority had proposed to modify it for various reasons but the government proposed to hold in August were instructed to send.
                    Based on this revised proposal has been sent.         Before the examination of the regulatory proposal the National Informatics Centre (NIC), the load on the server to start the process of being refused citing. NIC said that the server operates at different stages of the teacher recruitment process pressure.
                   There are mainly 72 825, the appointment procedure of assistant teachers, 29 334, math-science teacher recruitment and hiring process that includes 15,000 assistant teachers.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Id Meeladunnbi (Baravfat) declared public holiday on December 24 on the occasion of

              Government ID Meeladunnbi (Baravfat) on December 24 on the sidelines of Nigoshiyebl Instrument Act is declared a public holiday.
              Principal Secretary (General Administration) in accordance with the mandate issued by the juvenile Hriraj, the government has included in the list of public holidays.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Children in junior high schools will chair-table studies: early July will, in all schools, not just the furniture arrangement

               Basic Education Council of the junior high school children to read, sit on chairs or tables. The district level committee headed by the District Magistrate of furniture will be supplied.        Basic Education Minister Ram Govind Chaudhary on Wednesday in a meeting with officials by proposing to give soon, making possible the supply of furniture to schools by July.
               Basic Education Minister said at the meeting at the district level will be invited to tender for it and will be delivered within schedule. This immediate action will be taken against those disturbances.
                 However, in July, the school opened to 15 to share the children's book publishers essentially supply has been instructed to take.

DA 113 per cent from July to get state employees

              State government employees in January to six per cent dearness allowance was announced. The order has not come yet. From July to its employees will benefit. Each employee will receive 113 per cent of the DA.
                Employees Teachers Coordination Committee convener Hanuman Prasad Srivastava says the increased dearness allowance to employees of the central government is to find. State employees benefit from June had expected. But so far there has been no budget arrangements.
                   By July, the DA will be in every state. The biannual basis December and in July, inflation is the increase in the allowance. Right now, 107 per cent of the staff is to get the DA.
                    Two months later, six per cent and will rise. From January to June of arrears of DA will be deposited in the fund.

Adnga of Finance on increasing teachers' position: the position of the center could generate on assurance

             Finance Department 19 555 teachers for primary schools Adnga is put into the creation of posts. Now consult specialists from the Department of Basic Education will soon file a reply in order to correct it.
            Chance of assurance from the center on the creation of the post of the department of finance 19 555 posts of teachers had sought permission. The posts under SSA for schools were newly built from 2011 until now.
              But the finance department, saying that before the government put Adnga written for teachers' salaries, it says it is willing to pay 65 per cent share. According to officials of the Department of Basic Education, the center will not write anything in writing because the case is not according to these policies.
              When permission beforehand why these objections - objections of the finance department officials are also not correct to assume, as when center Whenever new school teachers as well as to allow for the creation of the post.           Teachers create the post of the state, and if the central government budget in the same year, starts to salaries of teachers. When the center position, it does not justify the creation has given permission.
              Sources load increase expenditure, these positions will be created at the state expenses will increase significantly in the recent recruitments are more than quarter of a million in the Department of Basic Education.
               The cost of the state government already has gone. Therefore, the Department of Finance is putting Adnga. SSA is part of the plans of the state government 35 per cent.

BTC 2014 : hanging by the indecision on the new session, the proposed rule on SCERT months overdue

             BTC colleges to exempt their level of giving admission to the proposal because of indecisiveness BTC's 2014 admission process has now begun. BTC session admission process is running a year behind. BTC which should begin in July 2014 session, has not introduced her proposal is approved.
              BTC colleges association is responsible for issuance of the college exams to rule the responsibility of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) is the regulatory authority under the Secretary exam.
                BTC courses and sessions regarding the regulation of the operation could not yet have any rules. Because of this many months after the session began colleges affiliation order of the day continues.
                  After affiliation from SCERT trainees are allocated to colleges. It is delayed. Trainees often do not get the reserved class college court cases at the Department of Basic Education knock the pressure increases.
                  To deal with this problem by SCERT BTC college admission process decentralized government had sent a proposal in November last year. The proposal states that the system of allocation of trainees from colleges SCERT finish college students on their level should be given the right to admission.
                    Publish ads and invite applications from college students to enroll them on merit. However, the conduct of examinations in colleges regulatory authority prior to the exam will be like a regulated entity. Even after months on this proposed rule is pending.

Drought-hit districts to be closed mid-day-meal: Secretary of Basic Education on June 1 will video conferencing with DM

                During summer vacation in drought-hit districts Prisdiy schools plan to give the Mid-Day-mile can be closed. The situation is that many school districts are not children after opening. DM HL Gupta has also informed the Secretary of Basic Education.
                 Secretary to know the truth on June 1, will video conferencing with district magistrates. It would only decide how many districts where it is played and to be turned off.
                  Basic education secretary said the central system in the drought-hit districts in the summer holidays also provides for Mid-Day-mile.
                   The central government provides the money for it. Based on this, MDM authority to the District Collectors of the affected districts, even in the summer holidays to Mid-Day-mile was ordered.
                    Depending on the school you are being opened, but the children are not eating mid-day-mile. He will decide how many districts in video conferencing can run it. If you do not have to inform it by the center will be closed.